Monday 19 January 2015

reminder tasks for this week

All of you are shooting this week but just to  underline these are your HW tasks from last week's lesson.
1) PRODUCTION CREDITS*- write a blog posting of the order that production credits tend to run.
 2) ART OF THE TITLE SEQUENCE - How does the title sequence relate to the genre,  how do they relate to the film's content and style?  Embed some examples on your blog that particularly inspire you  on your INDIVIDUAL blog and some on your GRP blog too.  I showed you some credit analysis best practise from last year so now its your turn.
see this excellent resource

*You could use wikipedia to help you to work out what credits should be shown and in what order...

3) INSTITUTION -Who might distribute your film - some info about companies and discussion around your choices. As noted in the lesson this question relates to your evaluation question.

You've all completed the AUDIENCE research so this week is the time to publish that blog. 

Wednesday 20 August 2014


This blog is now closed and will be moved to this address:

Sunday 30 March 2014


I can see you're all still working on questions and haven't finished yet so let's just use Monday and Tuesday to finish. I will come and advise on a one-to-one basis.

Please pass this to everyone in 12A if you see it  Mrs T.

Monday 17 March 2014



Final film and ALL blogging done - 28th March 2014 - before 3.30pm!!!

THIS WEEK - 17th - 21st March --> you are using lesson time to finish titles/sound and snagging any issues. AT HOME you are ensuring your individual and group blogs are done and you are making notes on (adn starting!) your evaluation questions.

NEXT WEEK - 23rd - 28th March --> you are using lesson times to work on evaluations and any snagging films MUST be done outside of lesson times.


EVALUATIONS MUST USE IT/TECHNOLOGY - there is a whole question on this and a whole bullet point in the marking scheme is based around your effective use of various different media forms to evaluate your work - NO ESSAYS!

If you can't find your preliminary sequence and it is not embedded in your individual blog, you MUST rectify this now!

Wednesday 19 February 2014

What you should be doing over half term and new (final) deadlines!

Please read the following carefully - you are expected to have completed the work as follows:

1. The half term work - on blog - will be marked on return after half term so get it done!
2. The deadlines on the schedule are FINAL. No extensions can be given.

Yr12 New Schedule 1314 Final Deadlines by Julie Thrasher

Thursday 30 January 2014

Rough cut deadline Thur 6th February.

  • As discussed today you should present a rough edit of the film for initial feedback by THURSDAY 6th February.

  • Mrs Thrasher will introduce sound analysis and ideas to you next week.

  • Add your new grasp of sound analysis and terminology to your 3 blog posts on opening sequences.

  • As agreed you should have completed the art of the title research/genre and have THREE opening scenes analysis by MONDAY 3rd FEBRUARY.

Thursday 5 December 2013

Tasks for next week


1) CREDITS/TITLE SEQUENCES - watch some. IND - write an analysis of them (what is included? what order? what fonts/colours used and why? Are they genre specific? How do they relate to the film's content and style?) IND - embed some examples on your blog that particularly inspire you IND and some on your GRP blog too please. Mrs T will be teaching more on this in January so be prepared!
see this excellent resource

You could use wikipedia to help you to work out what credits should be shown and in what order...

2) GENRE - notes on your genre, some examples- what are the codes and conventions of your genre, what do the audience expect to see and how do filmmakers  meet these expectations?

3) INSTITUTION -Who might distribute your film - some info about companies and discussion around your choices.


4) Devise a risk assessment - what is dangerous/what could go wrong - how are you planning to avoid the problems - such as not tripping over wires, burning yourselves on lights, getting mugged in a dark alley etc etc
- BOOK a camera and tripod

5) AUDIENCE - research into potential audience, identify audience for your film, some discussion of findings
Last but not a camera and tripod after you have completed your storyboard