Thursday, 5 December 2013

Tasks for next week


1) CREDITS/TITLE SEQUENCES - watch some. IND - write an analysis of them (what is included? what order? what fonts/colours used and why? Are they genre specific? How do they relate to the film's content and style?) IND - embed some examples on your blog that particularly inspire you IND and some on your GRP blog too please. Mrs T will be teaching more on this in January so be prepared!
see this excellent resource

You could use wikipedia to help you to work out what credits should be shown and in what order...

2) GENRE - notes on your genre, some examples- what are the codes and conventions of your genre, what do the audience expect to see and how do filmmakers  meet these expectations?

3) INSTITUTION -Who might distribute your film - some info about companies and discussion around your choices.


4) Devise a risk assessment - what is dangerous/what could go wrong - how are you planning to avoid the problems - such as not tripping over wires, burning yourselves on lights, getting mugged in a dark alley etc etc
- BOOK a camera and tripod

5) AUDIENCE - research into potential audience, identify audience for your film, some discussion of findings
Last but not a camera and tripod after you have completed your storyboard

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Research and Planning tasks

Make sure you've looked at lots (minimum 3)  Opening Sequences and that you have linked/embedded some examples and made notes on them - how they fit the conventions of openings (rules/expectations/common practice) - how will you use what you learn from these? This is INDIVIDUAL and a major part of what MARKS ARE ALLOCATED FOR! Deadline 10th Dec.

- You could use wikipedia to help you to work out what credits should be shown and in what order...

- You could be researching music on opening sequences for use later - remember you HAVE to make your own (or use music from a copyright free source)


Planning work - storyboard, brainstorms, location lists, cast list, props list, location recce shots, risk assessment, organisation of costumes, props etc

Production Meetings - notes on what discussed and decided
STORYBOARD - detailed, final idea

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Editing Assessment Task - xXx

Worksheet for completion is HERE on Scribd. If you cannot download, get a copy from teaching resources or the media office.


- in the day (before 4.30pm) -
- after 4.30pm (late) -

Spooks - Sequence part 1 - Telephone conversation

Here is the extract we initially analysed in class to look at how conversations are filmed and edited.

You should have annotated the handout, showing how you understand the editing - what type of edit and why..we went over this together in class.

You should make sure we have your work next week for assessment - you need to HAND IT IN to Miss.

Worksheet - handout is here -- SCRIBD

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Stike day...

Hi all

We are aware that no-one will be in the Dept on strike day (THURS) so can you please use any media 'time' to continue with your research, analysis and any other outstanding work already set.

Over the next week we will produce a list of what you should have done so far so you can check your progress - we will be checking your blogs this week for the CWAT assessments being completed next week.

Michael WILL be in to help with anything technical.

Monday, 14 October 2013

The Grammar of Editing

We'll be looking at EDITING over the next few lessons. Here's the theory sheet.

Make sure you have a copy and have notes on it - copy from someone else if you missed the lessons.

Use this to complete the assessment due in next week (xXx).

Monday, 16 September 2013

MES, Colour and LIght - using these to analyse: Reading details in the frame: Secrets and Lies

You will watch the whole sequence.

You will be allocated TWO contrasting vignette's of the characters Maurice photographs in his studio to analyse.

You will be using the same frameworks and grids as you have been using over the last few lessons BUT you will be presenting your analysis in PAIRS using annotated video.

You will need to upload your video to the STUDENT youtube account (details on main blog page - follow the appropriate label) and then choose the 'annotation' tool. You can add bubbles, boxes and arrows.

Once completed, please upload to your blogs with a sentence or two explaining what the activity was and what you learnt.

We will help you with this.

The extracts are on the P-Drive MEDIA STUDIES NEW/Resources Library/Video/Stereotyping and representation.

They are also online on the mediamonkeymovies2 youtube channel should you be completing this work outside of school.

DEADLINE is within the lesson as advised by your teacher.

Children of Men work - still due this week!!! - 12D and 12A

The write up of the 'Children of Men' extract is due WEDNESDAY. If you haven't finished it, please enure I get it by your next lesson this week!!!

You should be writing a brief textual analysis of the extract; that means you should use what we discussed in class about the extract and the grids in your pack on pages 4 and 6 to help you - page 6 gives you lots of questions to ask yourself about the sequence.

As we discussed, you should use technical terms where you can and remember to say not just what you can see (DENOTATION) but the meanings, effects and why the element has been 'chosen' or 'used' in that way by the film-maker (CONNOTATION). If you're still not sure about denotation/connotation, read page 9 in your pack or look it up online.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Analysis of 'Children of Men' - 2006

So this week you should get your teaching pack. You should now have:

A teaching pack
An outline plan for lessons for the year
A set of dividers
Completed a questionnaire, data sheet and signed your contract for behaviour

You should now know how to BLOG, invite other authors, post, label and add gadgets. You should be able to uplaod and embed an image/video. If not, please book with Michael for catch-up training.

YOUR SUMMER WORK IS DUE by the end of next week:
12D Weds 18th is your last lesson of the week - work needs to be online by 20th --> FRIDAY 
12A Fri 20th is your last lesson of the week - work needs to be online by 20th --> FRIDAY

HOMEWORK/ASSESSMENT --> please or hand in on Monday's lesson.  
If emailing, WAIT for an acknowledgement of receipt email from miss before assuming it has been received!


The extract to analyse is HERE on - or follow the 'film extracts' link above!

Please use the film language grid (page 4 in your packs) and the discussion from class to write an analysis of this opening.

You can either write prose, headed bullets.

Please complete in WORD (or A4 handwritten if you must).

You can email the work or hand it in during the lesson.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Welcome to the new blog 2013-14 - How to add labels

Welcome to the blog for 2013-14 Yr12 AS Media Studies. The link for how to add the labels gadget to your blog is HERE